Friday, July 12, 2013

jQuery UI: Expand All Accordion Sections

Something I find annoying about the accordion widget is that I can't have more than one active section. If the application has vertical space constraints, maybe having only one accordion section active at a time makes sense. But as a user, I generally want more than one section open at once. This isn't offered out of the box with the jQuery UI accordion widget. This capability is not the intent of the accordion. But, it's not too difficult make it happen. Here is my attempt at an expandable accordion.

As you can see, the third section has the active state applied to the header. This was the last section expanded. Collapsing the section has no impact on any other sections. Here is the Javascript.

(function( $, undefined ) {

// Some classes we work with throughout the accordion
// customization.  Define them here instead of in the
// widget since they're "static".
var headerActive = "ui-accordion-header-active" +
                   " ui-state-active",
    panelActive = "ui-accordion-content-active";

$.widget( "ab.accordion", $.ui.accordion, {

    // Called when a section is expanding or collapsing.
    _eventHandler: function( e ) {

        // Not expandable, do nothing.
        if ( !this.options.expandable ) {
            return this._super( e );

        var $header  = $( event.currentTarget ),
            $panel   = $,
            expanded = $panel.hasClass( panelActive ),
            icons    = this.options.icons;


        // This forces _toggle() to use the oldPanel argument.
        this.prevShow = $();

        // The section is already expanded, so we're 
        // collapsing.
        if ( expanded ) {

            // There is no new panel when collapsing.  The old
            // panel is the one we're collapsing.
                newPanel: $(),
                oldPanel: $panel

            $header.removeClass( headerActive );
            if ( icons ) {
                $header.children( ".ui-accordion-header-icon" )
                       .removeClass( icons.activeHeader )
                       .addClass( icons.header );

        // The section is collapsed.  We're expanding.
        } else {

            this.headers.not( $header )
                        .removeClass( headerActive );

            // The new panel is the one we're expanding.
            // There is on old panel since expanding a
            // section no longer forces the last section
            // to collapse.
                newPanel: $panel,
                oldPanel: $()

            $header.removeClass( "ui-corner-all" )
                   .addClass( headerActive + " ui-corner-top" );
            if ( icons ) {
                $header.children( ".ui-accordion-header-icon" )
                       .removeClass( icons.header )
                       .addClass( icons.activeHeader );

            $panel.addClass( panelActive );




})( jQuery );

$(function() {

    $( "#accordion" ).accordion({
        expandable: true


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